Pretty In Pink

On a Wedsday, in a cafe, I watched it begin again.

(style type:) sweet pastel || (wearing:) Teensy floral shirt, vintage necklace, dark blue culottes.

My second personal style post so far. This was taken at my study desk, don't you love the pink coloured paper with some doodles in the background? I made it last year, and believe me, its pretty effective for cheering me up. There's one doodle that goes, "I LOVE MY TEDDY BEARS". and another one has "I'M FABULOUS". So much for being modest.

I am just going to inject randomly here that: I love my bunny! Yesterday she managed to sneak out of her cage, and just came crashing to my room at like, midnight. This is probably an appropriate time to go:

I have literally hundreds of pictures of her in my phone. (Shameless advertising: I upload lots more pictues of my bunny on my instagram account @iheartrabbits //hint hint// )
Also, have you guys heard the song Begin Again by Taylor Swift?

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